Automatická příprava média
Výrobce: Erweka
MediPrep 820 and 1622
Více informací zde:
The MediPrep 820 series offers quick and easy preparation of up to 8 liters dissolution media in less than 15 minutes. The MediPrep 1622 only needs 25 minutes to prepare dissolution media - 3 times faster than manually done according USP! In a single pass, the media for dissolution tests can be precisely mixed, heated, degassed and gravimetrically filled into vessels. Foaming media like SDS (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate) can also be used.
Filling can be done at the integrated dosing port or with the optional remote filling hand directly into the vessels.
The MediPrep 1622 additionally provides two inlets for premixed media and one outlet for wastewater. To prevent cross contamination, an automated cleaning procedure is integrated.

Disoluce, fyzikální testery, lisování tablet a zařízení pro R&D a nízkoobjemovou produkci ve farmaceutickém průmyslu